2. Great medical Improvements: Over the past 100 years, medical improvements were spiking. New cures, vaccines, discoveries, prevention methods, etc. Great medical improvement has been 1 of the major factors, contributing to mass population growth. Because people are expected to live much longer, with these new medical improvements, death rate had decreased.
3. Overpopulation is going to cause huge problems: With the population rapidly increasing, resource consumption is increasing aswell. Natural resources are almost depleted, in addition the increased in population, huge problems will be created. 3 most important resources include food, water, and fuel. Already, in some countries both food and water are scarce, like for example in some parts of Africa. With the consumption growing, and not enough resources to support it, it is predicted to cause problems like: Wars over food and water, or fuel, starvation, depletion of fuel, etc.
4. Population estimated to grow by 80 million each year: Right now, 80 million each year is over the top. Population is growing way too rapidly.
5. Close to a billion people go hungry each day: Like the problems of overpopulation, already the beginning phase of starvation had already begun. With the rapid population growth, it is expected to be much worse in the future.
6. Educated women are more likely to have fewer children: It is predicted that, educated women marries much later than uneducated women, due to the fact that they have to go to school, college, or university. Also that fact that, poorer families wanted many children to assist them in work.
7. Better sewage systems decreased deaths, and expand life expectancy: Better sewage system greatly decreased diseases, and the spread of diseases. With better, cleaner source of water, Cholera, and others, are almost eliminated. Though only in poorer countries, or regions, that sewage system still falls behind standards.
8. Food supply predicted to be unable to support population: With the constant, rapid growth of population. It is expected that the food supply will not meet the consumption of the massive population. Unless better agricultural technology emerges, or the population growth decrease.
9. China, home to a fifth of the world's population: China is currently home to 1 fifth of the world's population. China is 1 of the first to experience over population. They now enforces the famous "One Child Policy" law.
10. Developing countries will account for 95% of population growth in future: Specifically in Africa, average family sizes consist of about 5-6 children. Poorer countries like these, lack birth control, and sex education. With no sex education and birth control, population grows rapidly with the increase of HIV/AIDS. The population in Africa had increased over 50% in less than 50 years.
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