Originating from South America, tomatoes was spread to all parts of the world, and later made had high demands for it. Demands for tomatoes rose, until they began to plant them in local farms. It was first thought to be poisonous, due to its color and its sour taste. But it wasn't long until they figured out, it is not poisonous, and is actually good for cooking ingredients. Since the discovery of tomatoes being used for cooking, the idea started spreading rapidly, soon rose the demand for it. Even today, we can see that all countries have tomatoes, even in food. Tomato sauce, tomatoes in Thai Som Tum even, tomatoes in burgers, or salads, etc. Tomatoes is now consumed and used all over the world. Originating from South America, and spread by various factors. Like trading, colonization, exploration, etc. Though what predicted to spread tomatoes the most was Spanish conquering South America, and the Columbian Exchange. With the Spanish colonizing the South Americas, tomatoes were distributed to its home country, and its colonies. Which is why the colonizing of South Americas were one of the main factors, contributing to the spread of tomatoes. The other factor is the Columbian Exchange. An exchange between all parts of the world, exchanging all sorts of things, but mostly agricultural items. Trades ranging form slaves, animals, varieties of plants, etc. Tomatoes was one of the exchange. With the constant, rapid spread, and the rising demands for tomatoes. Tomatoes quickly dominated the whole world. You can see tomatoes everywhere, all continents have it. Because of its durability, it was able to grow in just about any terrain, or any weather (except extreme cold, or hot of course). With the high demand, the supply of tomatoes was scarce. Since tomatoes are very durable and adaptive, people started planting them in local areas to avoid importing them. The impact of the spreading of tomatoes is great. They are just everywhere, it is almost impossible to miss. It is also used in many types of food, despite the cultural differences. For example, pasta, and pizza in Europe, burgers in central America, Som Tum, right here in Thailand, salads, etc.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
There are 3 main forms of flooding: Flooding from a dam, flooding from heavy precipitation, rise of sea level. For Thailand this year, they experienced the 1st and 2nd form. Flooding from a dam usually happens when either the dam breaks, or they had to release water from it. Due to political problems, the main reason why the flooding is that bad. Due to the yearly monsoons, heavy precipitation occurred, filling up the dam rapidly. The government was warned that they had to release some of the water, and that some parts of the country is going to experience minor flooding. They did not respond until they were forced to release huge amounts of water from the dam, causing total destruction almost all over the whole country. It was predicted that if they had released small amounts, over time the flood would not be as high, and wouldn't last that long.
Talking about the damage, this event is one of the worst, and the most damaging event in Thai history. The damage done, and the money needed to repair, and heal from this event is horrifying. The worst thing about this is that most factories are in the middle part of Thailand, which is the part affected by the flood the most. Most of the factories were flooded, and had to be temporary closed down. Only a few factories were lucky to survive the flood. Since the factories are down, the export and the money earn from it, manufactured goods, and other products were destroyed. This is a major problem, because money earned from export is one of the most valuable source of income for Thailand. Not only factories, but many of the rice fields and farms were also affected. Since rice is one of Thailand's greatest exports, and the source of food, Thailand is even more damaged. With the regions around Bangkok flooded, that was a wake up call for the government to do something. Instead, they waited to the last moment to build barricades, without any planning or consult from the scientists that worked on flooding. Again, they just made it worst. Scientist said, barricading was not a good option at all. Since water from the dam was massive, there is little to do, but to let it flood and spread the water out so it that it doesn't last that long. They also suggest methods, to improve the barricades, but again for the second time the methods and ideas were rejected and ignored. Finally, the flood reached Bangkok, where it did the worst. Businesses, schools, hospitals, tourism, more factories, the water and electricity stations, etc were damaged. Huge numbers of businesses either gets damaged or totally bankrupted. Schools were closed down, even some hospitals were affected. Tourism shoots straight down. The water station flooded, leading to temporary problems with access to clean water, some power stations were closed, the list continues. The very sad thing about this is that, more that 600 people died, due to electrocution, drowning, diseases, or from animals (crocodiles lose from the farm, snakes, centipedes, scorpions, etc).
Talking about the damage, this event is one of the worst, and the most damaging event in Thai history. The damage done, and the money needed to repair, and heal from this event is horrifying. The worst thing about this is that most factories are in the middle part of Thailand, which is the part affected by the flood the most. Most of the factories were flooded, and had to be temporary closed down. Only a few factories were lucky to survive the flood. Since the factories are down, the export and the money earn from it, manufactured goods, and other products were destroyed. This is a major problem, because money earned from export is one of the most valuable source of income for Thailand. Not only factories, but many of the rice fields and farms were also affected. Since rice is one of Thailand's greatest exports, and the source of food, Thailand is even more damaged. With the regions around Bangkok flooded, that was a wake up call for the government to do something. Instead, they waited to the last moment to build barricades, without any planning or consult from the scientists that worked on flooding. Again, they just made it worst. Scientist said, barricading was not a good option at all. Since water from the dam was massive, there is little to do, but to let it flood and spread the water out so it that it doesn't last that long. They also suggest methods, to improve the barricades, but again for the second time the methods and ideas were rejected and ignored. Finally, the flood reached Bangkok, where it did the worst. Businesses, schools, hospitals, tourism, more factories, the water and electricity stations, etc were damaged. Huge numbers of businesses either gets damaged or totally bankrupted. Schools were closed down, even some hospitals were affected. Tourism shoots straight down. The water station flooded, leading to temporary problems with access to clean water, some power stations were closed, the list continues. The very sad thing about this is that, more that 600 people died, due to electrocution, drowning, diseases, or from animals (crocodiles lose from the farm, snakes, centipedes, scorpions, etc).
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Population 7 Billion THE LIST
1. World population expected to be 9 billion on 2045: With the rapid population growth from all around the world. It is estimated that there will be 9 billion of us in 2045. Just with 7 billion alone, today we have huge problems associated with over population. If this keeps up, it is also predicted that food supply and natural resources will be our main concern.
2. Great medical Improvements: Over the past 100 years, medical improvements were spiking. New cures, vaccines, discoveries, prevention methods, etc. Great medical improvement has been 1 of the major factors, contributing to mass population growth. Because people are expected to live much longer, with these new medical improvements, death rate had decreased.
3. Overpopulation is going to cause huge problems: With the population rapidly increasing, resource consumption is increasing aswell. Natural resources are almost depleted, in addition the increased in population, huge problems will be created. 3 most important resources include food, water, and fuel. Already, in some countries both food and water are scarce, like for example in some parts of Africa. With the consumption growing, and not enough resources to support it, it is predicted to cause problems like: Wars over food and water, or fuel, starvation, depletion of fuel, etc.
4. Population estimated to grow by 80 million each year: Right now, 80 million each year is over the top. Population is growing way too rapidly.
5. Close to a billion people go hungry each day: Like the problems of overpopulation, already the beginning phase of starvation had already begun. With the rapid population growth, it is expected to be much worse in the future.
6. Educated women are more likely to have fewer children: It is predicted that, educated women marries much later than uneducated women, due to the fact that they have to go to school, college, or university. Also that fact that, poorer families wanted many children to assist them in work.
7. Better sewage systems decreased deaths, and expand life expectancy: Better sewage system greatly decreased diseases, and the spread of diseases. With better, cleaner source of water, Cholera, and others, are almost eliminated. Though only in poorer countries, or regions, that sewage system still falls behind standards.
8. Food supply predicted to be unable to support population: With the constant, rapid growth of population. It is expected that the food supply will not meet the consumption of the massive population. Unless better agricultural technology emerges, or the population growth decrease.
9. China, home to a fifth of the world's population: China is currently home to 1 fifth of the world's population. China is 1 of the first to experience over population. They now enforces the famous "One Child Policy" law.
10. Developing countries will account for 95% of population growth in future: Specifically in Africa, average family sizes consist of about 5-6 children. Poorer countries like these, lack birth control, and sex education. With no sex education and birth control, population grows rapidly with the increase of HIV/AIDS. The population in Africa had increased over 50% in less than 50 years.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Dictatorial Regime
There are many types of dictatorship in the world, some good some bad, good ones great, bad ones devastating.
There are 3 types of dictatorship, Totalitarian, Authoritarian, and Benevolent. Totalitarian is a dictatorship, in which has complete control over the country, and tries to control the citizen's way of thinking. Looking at the pass totalitarian dictatorships, clearly, this type never seem to succeed. This type seems to fail, everytime, or gets defeated sooner or later. 2 good examples of this would be Adolf Hitler and "The Holocaust," Pol Pot and the "Khmer Rouge." Adolf Hitler envisioned, a society with 1 pure race. With that idea, he convinces people to eliminate all of the different people. For example Jewish people, homosexuals or the disabled. About 6 million Jewish people were massacred in this even. Another example, Pol Pot in Cambodia. Again, Pol Pot has envisioned a pure, perfect society. His first idea was that: The Khmer empire back in time, was at its greatest. We can become better, if we erase all that we have, and continued where the Khmer Empire fell. What he did was that he made a series of laws and a list of the types of people needed to be executed. Intellectuals, professors, religious people, ethnic, city people, were targeted. Technology was completely destroyed, leaving the rest of the people farming. With technology gone, and everyone needed it to farm, food supply dropped horrifically, death toll from starvation and disease was extreme. All of what these dictators do, it was usually useless, unnecessary, and completely outrageous and destructive. People affected by events like these, are driven to escape the country, and off to a better, more peaceful place. Refugee, and immigrants people are very high. Despite the border patrol, people were desperate to save themselves, that is why the amount of people leaving totalitarian dictatorship countries are quite high. Same goes for authoritarian dictatorship, though authoritarian dictatorship isn't as bloody as a totalitarian.
Differ from the rest of the other types, benevolent dictatorship is just simply, benevolent. The name says it all, "benevolent." Like the definition of benevolent, benevolent dictatorship is very good. For example Singapore, is a benevolent dictatorship. A benevolent dictatorship is a dictatorship established, truly for the good of the people and its country, with absolutely no desire for corruption. Singapore is actually quite developed today. In-fact, the population of Singapore is mixed with Chinese, and many of Singapore's neighboring countries. Differ from others, people are actually interested in coming to Singapore, rather than moving out of it.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Taiwan Population
The population is Taiwan is about 23,071,779 people, according to the 2011 estimate.Taiwan is in the stage 4, of development. Looking at its population pyramid, it is clear that Taiwan is a developed country. Because of the amount of children compared to the amount of working aged people. It shows that people are not having that many children. And not because Taiwanese people like to have small families, but it shows that the people are mainly educated. Differ from poor countries, where the amount of children is much greater than the working age. It roughly gives the idea of the literacy rate and the education level of Taiwan. Also the amount of people aged 80+, also gives the idea of Taiwan's medical care, sanitation, housing, etc. Having alot of elderly people is a sign. This piece of statistic is the main, key evidence showing that Taiwan is a developed country. Firstly, having many elderly means that the country has exceptional medical care, throughout the country. Because of good medical care, the citizens are bound to live longer than undeveloped or developing countries. Secondly, it shows that Taiwan is a rich country, being able to support, and to continue to support the medical care. Also, being able to support that much of retired citizens. The population growth rate is about 0.193%, and the birth rate, death rate ratio is 8.9/1000 to 7/1000. As for the low fertility rate of 1.2 children per women, the population is growing bit by bit. Also means most families consist of 1 children. The net migration of Taiwan is 0.03/1000. With a positive number of net migration, means that more people are interested in visiting the country rather than leaving it. This means, little of the Taiwanese population are likely to stay, plus that approximate 0.03 foreigners coming to Taiwan. Since Taiwan is a developed country, most people stay, or interested in visiting. (for foreigners) Taiwan's expected life expectancy is about 78.32 years. High life expectancy like that, explains the high medical care in Taiwan. High life expectancy is a total amount of years a person is expected to live. High life expectancy not only shows what good medical care Taiwan has but, the total quality for life.That includes, transportation, security, medical care, education, agriculture, technology, jobs, economy, anything like that. Amazingly Taiwan's fertility rate is less than China's (1.5).Literacy rate of Taiwan is 96.1%. That means, out of the total population of Taiwan, only 3.9% of the people is unable to read and write. Which is a good sign, because more than 90% of the people are educated.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
The Industrial Revolution
Though the Industrial Revolution seemed flawless due to the great inventions and increased production, it created a great lack of raw materials.
The Industrial Revolution is one of the greatest event in all history. It is the main reason why we have all the technology today, and why everything is so cheap. Before this event, most of all the things are manufactured, or made all by hand. Or at least simple, inefficient tools. A good example would be clothing, hand making them all by hand is going to take forever. Need to get the raw materials, spin it into thread, weave it, color it, etc. Most important addition to the time required to actually make a simple shirt, but the cost of it. Since it was made all by hand, plus the time consumed, the price would be much higher than a simple shirt we have today. The industrial revolution is a series of new inventions that made production extremely faster. For example, the first invented engines, the steam engines. This invention can be used in many ways, but mostly acts as a steam powered motor. Like the Locomotive train, which allowed huge amounts of people to travel long distances, or the steamship. Factories started to appear, after the invention of the steam engines. As more factories appear, profit expand, and everything became cheaper. As more and more factories appear, competition for the quantity and quality of the product gets fierce. This created the demand for new inventions to better their factories, which in effect made more inventors and inventions. One of the most types of inventions in this event, was inventions that made production of clothes much faster, cheaper, and much more in quantity. Those types of inventions include the "Spinning Jenny," "The Spinning Frame," "The Cotton Gin," and many more. Due to increased supply of high quality clothing, demand decreased, so does the price. Same applies to other products, as the supply increased demand and price decreased. Other great inventions also include the Telegraph - Samuel Morse, Tomas Edison and his light bulb, Alexander Graham bell and his telephone.Benjamin Holt and his tractor, the Wright brothers with their airplanes, etc. The inventions of this time period, is mostly ancestors of modern day technology. Though this event may seem great and flawless, it is not exactly perfect. Due to the mass production, in turn comes the lack of raw materials. Which later on, most industrialized countries seek raw materials, else where. Before this event ever happened, one of the most thought event to trigger this event is the Agricultural Revolution. As inventions in agriculture emerge, food supply goes soaring high. As the supply increased, demand decreased, and the price decreased. As the food increased, the farming labor, became very low. With more people not needed in farms, many people go unemployed, which made them migrate to the cities and urban areas. As the food prices drop, along side the great food surplus created. Many people migrated to cities, and towns. As people moved to cities, it created new jobs, and which allowed the production of specialized workers.
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